ABERRANT MOTION # 4 (Face Story, Stagger Stories)
Cathy Sisler
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Performance Quebec 1993 English/version française disponible 0:14:31
The Spinning Woman reveals her many social labels: alcoholic, white, female, lesbian, fat - in this critical look at identity politics. Staggering - a more complex form of motion in comparison to linear walking - is a metaphor used to discuss the kind of self-erosion that seems to be a requirement of social survival.
The Spinning Woman reveals her many social labels: alcoholic, white, female, lesbian, fat—in this critical look at identity politics. (FIFA 2015)
performance Québec 1993 français/English version available 0:14:43
Récit ironique d'un corps qui a perdu toute maîtrise sur son visage, pourtant son meilleur associé. Résumé traduit par Nicole Gingras