BIO : Tim Gowdy
T. Gowdy est un producteur, artiste audiovisuel et artiste sonore canadien. Il a présenté ses performances dans plusieurs festivals et salles à travers l'Amérique du Nord et l'Europe tels que MUTEK (Montréal, Barcelone), DziK (Varsovie) et Spektrum (Berlin). Gowdy a chanté de la musique de chorale professionnellement avant d'étudier la guitare classique et la technologie musicale : il détient une maîtrise en enregistrement sonore de l'école Schulich School of Music. Il s'intéresse aujourd'hui à l'utilisation du feedback sonore afin de favoriser l'interaction entre divers environnements sonores ainsi qu'à la déconstruction et la re-synthétisation d'environnements sonores urbains.
T. Gowdy is a Canadian music producer, audio/visual performer and sound artist. He performs in festivals and venues throughout North America and Europe, such as MUTEK (Montreal, Barcelona), DziK (Warsaw) and Spektrum (Berlin) . Gowdy sang choral music professionally before studying classical guitar, music technology and earned a Masters in Sound Recording from the Schulich School of Music.
His current interests lie in the use of sound feedback to augment interactivity in sound environments as well as the deconstruction and re-synthesis of urban sonic environments.
T. Gowdy is a Canadian music producer, audio/visual performer and sound artist. He performs in festivals and venues throughout North America and Europe, such as MUTEK (Montreal, Barcelona), DziK (Warsaw) and Spektrum (Berlin) . Gowdy sang choral music professionally before studying classical guitar, music technology and earned a Masters in Sound Recording from the Schulich School of Music.
His current interests lie in the use of sound feedback to augment interactivity in sound environments as well as the deconstruction and re-synthesis of urban sonic environments.