BIO : Soha Zandi
Soha Zandi (né en Iran, a grandi en Allemagne, et vit et travaille actuellement à Montréal, Canada) est un artiste multidisciplinaire, réalisateur et scénariste. Il est diplômé de l'école de cinéma Mel Hoppenheim en production cinématographique, Université Concordia (Montréal, QC). Ses explorations portent sur les images en mouvement, des essais-documentaires, des installations vidéo et des courts métrages narratifs. Les approches thématiques et conceptuelles de son processus créatif comprennent le féminisme, l'identité et l'hégémonie sociopolitique. Il a exposé ses œuvres à la Siddhartha Art Gallery (Katmandou, Népal) et à La Centrale Galerie Powerhouse (Montréal, Qc), entre autres.
Soha Zandi (Born in Iran, grew up in Germany, and currently lives and works in Montreal, Canada) is a multi-disciplinary artist, film director, and screenwriter. He is a graduate of Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema in film production, Concordia University (Montreal, QC). His explorations are within moving images of essay-documentaries, video installations and narrative short films. Thematic and conceptual approaches of his creative process encompass feminism, identity, and socio-political hegemony. He has exhibited his works at Siddhartha Art Gallery (Kathmandu, Nepal) and La Centrale Galerie Powerhouse (Montreal, Quebec), among other sites.
Soha Zandi (Born in Iran, grew up in Germany, and currently lives and works in Montreal, Canada) is a multi-disciplinary artist, film director, and screenwriter. He is a graduate of Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema in film production, Concordia University (Montreal, QC). His explorations are within moving images of essay-documentaries, video installations and narrative short films. Thematic and conceptual approaches of his creative process encompass feminism, identity, and socio-political hegemony. He has exhibited his works at Siddhartha Art Gallery (Kathmandu, Nepal) and La Centrale Galerie Powerhouse (Montreal, Quebec), among other sites.