BIO : Sheila James
Sheila James est inspirée par l’art et la justice sociale. Elle a animé des ateliers de « théâtre de l'opprimé », écrit plusieurs scénarios pour le théâtre et fondé deux groupes de théâtre communautaire, The Rice Girls et Street Theatre. James a créé et collaboré à la réalisation de quatre vidéos, et elle est l’auteure d’un scénario acclamé internationalement. Les poèmes et courtes fictions de James ont été publiés dans des anthologies et des journaux.
Sheila James is inspired by art and social justice, and has facilitated numerous “theatre of the oppressed” workshops. She has founded two community arts theatre groups, The Rice Girls and Stree Theatre, and has written several stage plays. She has created and collaborated on four videos, and authored one screenplay, which have all been screened internationally to acclaim. James’ poetry and short fiction have been published in various anthologies and journals.
Sheila James is inspired by art and social justice, and has facilitated numerous “theatre of the oppressed” workshops. She has founded two community arts theatre groups, The Rice Girls and Stree Theatre, and has written several stage plays. She has created and collaborated on four videos, and authored one screenplay, which have all been screened internationally to acclaim. James’ poetry and short fiction have been published in various anthologies and journals.