4001, rue Berri, # 105,
Montréal, Québec
Canada H2L 4H2

Mardi- vendredi 10h à 17h
Tuesdays-Fridays 10 to 5

BIO : Mél Hogan

I’m an Associate Professor (Film and Media) at Queen’s University (Kingston, ON). I’m developing a research program looking at data infrastructure, extractivist AI, and the environment. I also hope to build a community around audio podcasting – as a tool for research, communication, and storytelling.

I’m the Director of the Environmental Media Lab (EML). At the EML, we’re creating a network that uplifts emergent scholarship, art, and activism, through our grad scholar in residence program, reading groups, Heliotrope, and other collaborative endeavours.

I’m the host and editor of The Data Fix, launched officially in January 2023. Tune in to listen to scholars – thinkers & feelers – discuss with me the various promises made by Big Tech and the stories people tell themselves about the future. I focus on ‘AI’, the environment, and feelings about the future.

I’m also an Associate Editor for the Canadian Journal of Communication (since 2019).


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Date limite/deadline 07/04/2025

Le GIV est à la recherche d'œuvres récentes (2023-2025) d'une durée maximale de 8 minutes pour notre projection annuelle. GIV is accepting submissions of recent videos (2023-2025) with running times of 8 minutes or less for our yearly screening.


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