BIO : Maya Ombasic
Maya Ombasic est une écrivaine, poétesse, scénariste, documentariste et polyglotte vivant à Montréal. Elle est née à Mostar in Bosnia-Herzegovina et a fait ses études en Suisse, en France et au Canada. Elle a publié plusieurs romans et essais, deux recueils de poésie mais aussi des scénarios pour trois films documentaires. Elle a participé à des festivals littéraires et cinématographiques à travers le monde.
Elle trouve son inspiration littéraire et cinématographique dans ses voyages et ses rencontres. Maya travaille comme professeure de philosophie et chroniqueuse littéraire pour des magazines montréalais.
Maya Ombasic is a writer, poet, screenwriter, documentary filmmaker and polyglot from Montreal. She was born in Mostar in Bosnia-Herzegovina and educated in Switzerland, France and Canada. She has published several novels and essays, two collections of poetry as well as scripts for three documentary films. She has participated in literary and film festivals around the world.
Ombasic finds inspiration for her literary and cinematographic creations in her travels and encounters. Maya works as a philosophy teacher and literary columnist for Montreal magazines.
Elle trouve son inspiration littéraire et cinématographique dans ses voyages et ses rencontres. Maya travaille comme professeure de philosophie et chroniqueuse littéraire pour des magazines montréalais.
Maya Ombasic is a writer, poet, screenwriter, documentary filmmaker and polyglot from Montreal. She was born in Mostar in Bosnia-Herzegovina and educated in Switzerland, France and Canada. She has published several novels and essays, two collections of poetry as well as scripts for three documentary films. She has participated in literary and film festivals around the world.
Ombasic finds inspiration for her literary and cinematographic creations in her travels and encounters. Maya works as a philosophy teacher and literary columnist for Montreal magazines.