BIO : Karinevan Van Ameringen
Karine van Ameringen possède une formation en Arts médiatiques de l’école Emily Carr Institute of Art And Design de Vancouver, et détient un Baccalauréat en communication, concentration multimédia, de l’Université du Québec à Montréal. Au cours de ses années de scolarité, elle co-réalise la vidéo d’art Coq‘n’roll, réalise le court film expérimental en 16mm Corps, un autre court métrage documentaire, plusieurs œuvres multimédias interactives, dans lesquelles elle participe parfois à titre de performeuse et fait le montage sonore et visuel de plusieurs productions. Ses différentes implications dans le milieu artistique l’incitent à réfléchir continuellement sur les possibilités novatrices qu’offrent le cinéma et les nouveaux médias et la pousse à co-fonder en 2004, avec d’autres artistes, l’organisme d’autodiffusion en art médiatique Dans l’champ. Entre 2004 et 2006 elle co-réalise et co-produit Quand reviens-tu? qu’elle présente à maintes reprises lors d’une tournée mexicaine en janvier 2006. Présentement, elle est impliquée dans la création d’un journal Internet, elle amorce la recherche pour un autre projet documentaire et travaille comme monteuse et designer graphique.
Karine van Ameringen has academic training in Media arts from the Vancouver Emily Carr Institute of Art And Design and possesses a Bachelor degree in communication with a specialization in multimedia from the l’Université du Québec à Montréal. During her studies, she co-directs the art video Coq‘n’roll, directs the short film in 16mm Corps, another short documentary, many other interactive multimedia pieces in which she sometimes performs, and she also does sound and visual editing. Her different implications in the artistic field lead her to consider the new possibilities that cinema and new technologies can offer. In 2004 with other colleagues, she creates an organization for the diffusion of medias arts Dans l’champ. Between 2004 and 2006 she co-directs and produces When Are You Coming Back? that she presents on numerous occasions during a Mexican Tour in 2006. Presently, she is participating in the creation of an Internet newspaper, she is researching and planning a new documentary and works as well as an editor and as a graphic designer.
Karine van Ameringen has academic training in Media arts from the Vancouver Emily Carr Institute of Art And Design and possesses a Bachelor degree in communication with a specialization in multimedia from the l’Université du Québec à Montréal. During her studies, she co-directs the art video Coq‘n’roll, directs the short film in 16mm Corps, another short documentary, many other interactive multimedia pieces in which she sometimes performs, and she also does sound and visual editing. Her different implications in the artistic field lead her to consider the new possibilities that cinema and new technologies can offer. In 2004 with other colleagues, she creates an organization for the diffusion of medias arts Dans l’champ. Between 2004 and 2006 she co-directs and produces When Are You Coming Back? that she presents on numerous occasions during a Mexican Tour in 2006. Presently, she is participating in the creation of an Internet newspaper, she is researching and planning a new documentary and works as well as an editor and as a graphic designer.