BIO : Janelle Marsan
Vidéaste multitâche, Janelle Marsan est une artiste qui aime détourner les conventions du cinéma dominant pour trouver de nouvelles façons de raconter des histoires. Tout en ayant un penchant pour la déconstruction, son objectif est d’explorer les limites entre le cinéma expérimental et le cinéma de fiction. Son obsession du moment est d’explorer les différents points de vue de la réalité et retransmettre ces expériences aux spectateurs.
Multitasking videographer, artist Janelle Marsan likes to challenge the dominant conventions of filmmaking, and to find new ways of storytelling. While particularly interested in deconstruction, her aim is to redefine the limits between experimental and fictional cinemas. Her current obsession is to explore the different perspectives of reality, and to relay those experiments to the audience.
Multitasking videographer, artist Janelle Marsan likes to challenge the dominant conventions of filmmaking, and to find new ways of storytelling. While particularly interested in deconstruction, her aim is to redefine the limits between experimental and fictional cinemas. Her current obsession is to explore the different perspectives of reality, and to relay those experiments to the audience.