BIO : Colleen Ayoup
Basée à Montréal, Colleen Ayoup est réalisatrice et vidéaste. Elle détient un BFA en Production et un B.A. en Psychologie de l’Université Concordia, en plus d’avoir étudié trois ans à l’Institut de photographie du Collège Dawson. En tant que photographe, le travail de Colleen est principalement commercial et journalistique. Son premier film, Oral (1998), a été présenté dans plusieurs festivals du film et de la vidéo au Canada, aux États-Unis, en Australie, au Brésil et en Europe. Son deuxième et plus récent film, Kings (2001), produit en partie avec l’Office national du film du Canada, relate les quatre années d’existence du groupe montréalais « Mambo Drag Kings ». Une version de travail du film Kings (1999) d’une durée de dix minutes a été présentée au Canada, aux États-Unis, à Londres, en Italie et à Berlin.
Colleen Ayoup is a Montreal based filmmaker / videographer. She received a B.F.A. Production and B.A. in Psychology from Concordia University, and studied for three years at the Dawson Institute of photography. As a photographer, Colleen’s background has been mostly commercial and editorial. Her first film entitled Oral (1998) has played at film and video festivals across Canada, the United States, Australia, Brazil and Europe. Her second, and most recent film, Kings (2001) produced in part with National Film Board of Canada, traces the fouryear span of a local Montreal performance group called the "Mambo Drag Kings", A ten-minute work in progress of Kings (1999) was initially shown in Canada, the United States, London, Italy and Berlin.
Colleen Ayoup is a Montreal based filmmaker / videographer. She received a B.F.A. Production and B.A. in Psychology from Concordia University, and studied for three years at the Dawson Institute of photography. As a photographer, Colleen’s background has been mostly commercial and editorial. Her first film entitled Oral (1998) has played at film and video festivals across Canada, the United States, Australia, Brazil and Europe. Her second, and most recent film, Kings (2001) produced in part with National Film Board of Canada, traces the fouryear span of a local Montreal performance group called the "Mambo Drag Kings", A ten-minute work in progress of Kings (1999) was initially shown in Canada, the United States, London, Italy and Berlin.