BIO : Anna Hawkins
Anna Hawkins est une artiste basée à Montréal, Canada. Son travail s'intéresse à la manière dont les images, les gestes et les informations sont transmis, transformés et vécus en ligne. Elle a exposé des projets individuels à Artspace (Peterborough, CA, 2015), Centre Clark (Montréal, CA, 2016), Eastern Edge Gallery (St. John's, CA, 2016) et Untitled Art Society (Calgary, CA, 2018) . Ses œuvres ont été présentées et projetées internationalement à la Biennale New Wight de l'UCLA (Los Angeles, USA), à la Biennale d'art médiatique WRO (Wroc aw, PL), à la Galerie Sturm (Nürnberg, DE) et au LUX (Londres, UK).
Anna Hawkins is an artist based in Montreal, Canada. Her work is concerned with the ways that images, gestures and information are transmitted, transformed and experienced online. She has exhibited solo projects at Artspace (Peterborough, CA, 2015), Centre Clark (Montreal, CA, 2016) Eastern Edge Gallery (St. John’s, CA, 2016), and Untitled Art Society (Calgary, CA, 2018). Her works have been shown and screened internationally at the UCLA New Wight Biennial (Los Angeles, USA), the WRO Media Art Biennale (Wroc aw, PL), Galerie Sturm (Nürnberg, DE) and LUX (London, UK).
Anna Hawkins is an artist based in Montreal, Canada. Her work is concerned with the ways that images, gestures and information are transmitted, transformed and experienced online. She has exhibited solo projects at Artspace (Peterborough, CA, 2015), Centre Clark (Montreal, CA, 2016) Eastern Edge Gallery (St. John’s, CA, 2016), and Untitled Art Society (Calgary, CA, 2018). Her works have been shown and screened internationally at the UCLA New Wight Biennial (Los Angeles, USA), the WRO Media Art Biennale (Wroc aw, PL), Galerie Sturm (Nürnberg, DE) and LUX (London, UK).