4001, rue Berri, # 105,
Montréal, Québec
Canada H2L 4H2

Mardi- vendredi 10h à 17h
Tuesdays-Fridays 10 to 5



Dayna McLeod

Nous contacter pour les tarifs / Contact us for prices $0.00

- per 

Animation  Quebec   2002     English      0:04:50    

This rickety-sticky 4.5 minute animation features a lusty naked lady who is hell bent on getting off. Frustrated by her limited cable offering, she searches every room of her home for an old beau: her life-size vibrator. A game of seduction ensues that appears to climax with our heroine riding her rocket date into space, but actually culminates when she discovers that her electronic lover has left an attachment behind.Comprised of lush, retro home interiors, found Internet images, simple line drawings, and video footage, Master Libation also features a snappy narrative peppered with sound effects and jazzy drum beats.


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Date limite/deadline 07/04/2025

Le GIV est à la recherche d'œuvres récentes (2023-2025) d'une durée maximale de 8 minutes pour notre projection annuelle. GIV is accepting submissions of recent videos (2023-2025) with running times of 8 minutes or less for our yearly screening.


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